Purpose Statement

Freedom Assemblies Worldwide is an Apostolic Network of Churches, Ministries and Businesses with innovative leaders from around the world. It is an interdependent network with cross-denominational and reformation affiliated comprised of visioneers who are committed to building the whole of humanity and embracing all those from the margins to the center. The network is fraternal in fellowship and ecclesiastical in nature and function. Membership is open to all Christian denominations and fellowships, as long as you are seeking an inclusive Apostolic covering there is room for you. This network exists to bring supportive strength to existing churches, ministries, businesses and leadership teams around the world. It is based on relational accountability and provides apostolic covering to those who will submit to the apostolic call of this network. It is the coming together of these Kingdom entities of like passions, challenging one another to birth the purposes of God.

Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide Apostolic covering for ministries and businesses with the common purpose of promoting the well-being of all. Seeing each other reach our God given potential and fully embodying our highest selves.


By uniting every area of the marketplace with powerful spiritual principles that empower each one to establish the covenant of God globally, we will fulfill the call of Christian discipleship in our generation and generations to come. Launching new churches, ministries, businesses, and visioneers to fulfill the call of God and prophetically speaking the mystery of the Gospel to deliver oppressed people is the mandate of this network of like-minded ministries.

Our Founder

Our Board

Our Distinctives